On the 27 March 2021 I did something that would have been unimaginable to me only a short while ago..... I resigned from the SNP.
Anyone that knows me, knows the blood, sweat and tears I have put into the SNP/YES campaign locally and never in a million year did I ever think I’d leave the party. In the early days it was very much like a family – everyone was supportive and focused on gaining our independence. A huge amount of my time was given up, willingly, to arrange street stalls, events, meetings, social media, email updates and much more. Not only was I involved in the SNP as an activist, office bearer and Councillor before becoming an MP but I led the independence campaign locally too - South Ayrshire for Independence and Ayr For Independence which again required a huge amount of commitment to keep the momentum going.
I loved it!
The buzz of campaigning, being with like mined people, the positivity.
So I can honestly say it was with a very heavy heart that I resigned my membership. I had always advocated to folks that the SNP was the bus that would get us to the destination and everyone that wanted independence should get on board - even if we didn’t agree on everything. But the reality is that bus got a bit derailed, distracted by shining ideologies in the road and it felt to me that other issues were taking precedence over independence. So when another vehicle came along I could absolutely see the benefit of taking a different road to secure our goal.
For me it makes perfect sense all independence supporters to vote SNP in the constituency vote and ALBA on the list to secure a super majority parliament. A entire parliament advocating independence which cannot be ignored by Boris & co.
I have made so very many dear friends during my time in the SNP and the yes movement and, as some have already said, they trust my judgement.
If we want independence then ths is the only way forward.
As one activists said....Its not about one person or one party - its about one country and voting to put us in the best possible position to gain our independence.
Voting ALBA will make that happen