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At this time in our movement’s history there is no place for what feels like a  sedentary role. 

The role of President can be what we, the members, want it to be. 

I believe that post could assume a more pastoral role in ensuring the welfare of our members (the backbone of this organisation) and all our elected members with an emphasis on wellbeing and safeguarding mental health.  

More than ever we need to come together if there’s any hope of us delivering independence and that hope comes from the leadership of the party where independence is the priority. 

The party needs to heal and unite and I believe this is possible with a fresh NEC executive and a fresh approach. 

We cannot continue to air our grievances in public - the correct mechanisms need to be in place to properly deal with issues instead of them being ignored and allowed to fester.  We cannot allow ourselves to become the Labour Party. 

We have, since 2014, become a victim of our own success.  We have failed to ‘grow’ with the increased membership.  With my previous experience on NEC I know the structures, the processes and importantly where the improvements could be made. 

That is why I am seeking nomination to be on NEC and would welcome your support.  In return my commitment to you is 

* transparency

* good governance - both people and financial

* ensuring all members are treated with respect and are valued

* create a robust complaints procedure

* bring back proper policy debates 

* and crucially accountability. 


The threat to our democracy is real. 

The threat to independence is real.  

We need to be rid of unnecessary distractions and focus on delivering independence.  

With the right people and processes in place I believe we can do it !




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