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Corri Ayrshire Facts.jpg
Over the recent weeks I have seen a few discussions online around the topic of ‘local’ people should be the ones to represent those in the constituency, this led me to thinking how we define the word “local”.

Do I live in Cunninghame North, No. Does that mean I’m not a Ayrshire local lass with a connection to the constituency, absolutely not.

In fact in this contest I’m the only true local Ayrshire candidate, one with Ayrshire in my heart and soul.
So I thought I would share just a few of my Ayrshire FACTS with you all.

Corri’s Ayrshire FACTS!

- Born in Springs, South Ayrshire.

- Went to Primary School in Coylton

- Attended Ayr Academy (Random fact the same school MSPs Jeane Freeman, Fiona    Hyslop and Alex Neil attended)

- Has family and extended family living across Ayrshire.

- Has lived in various parts of Ayrshire my entire life.

- Worked for a 3rd sector organisation helping individuals and families facing       
   hardship in North Ayrshire.

- Worked for over 20 years in the DWP and during that time worked and covered the
   offices from the tip of North Ayrshire to the end of South Ayrshire and the inlands
   of East Ayrshire.

- Brought my family up in Ayrshire.

- Won an award for my voluntarily services.

- Has championed and campaigned for independence: speaking in debates and 
  meetings from Ardrossan to Ballantrae and everywhere in between.

- A strong working relationship with many community groups, 3rd sector and
  business organisations across Ayrshire.

- Was a volunteer call handler for the Ayrshire Samaritans before moving on and 
  getting involved with Ayrshire mental health charity Release.

- Volunteered with Strathclyde Joint Police Board to check on prisoners welfare
  across police stations in Ayrshire

- Former Councillor for Ayr East Ward in South Ayrshire

- Former Member of Parliament for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock.

- Quite literally through my various roles, I have worked in the vast majority of
  Ayrshire Towns and Villages and have gained a wealth of knowledge and
  understanding of the area. Worked in - Skelmorlie, Largs, West Kilbride, Ardrossan,
  Saltcoats, Stevenston, Dalry, Kilbirnie, Beith, Kilwinning, Irvine, Kilmarnock, Ayr,
  Girvan, Dalrymple, Patna, Dalmellington, New Cumnock, Cumnock and more... ...

As you can see I’m an authentic and true Ayrshire voice and candidate.

I’m asking you to put your trust and faith in me as your candidate and in return you will get a strong Ayrshire voice to speak with passion and determination for each and everyone in Cunninghame North.

Vote Corri Wilson #1
#CunninghameNorth #NorthAyrshire #SNP #CandidateSelection #SP2021
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